nvestigating Remediation Reagents Injection and Rainfall Effect by using Self-Potential Method at a Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Site located in Southern Taiwan

Presenter: Yung-Chieh Chuang

Date: 2016/04/07


In this study, we have proposed the use of time-lapse SP (self-potential) monitoring system to investigate remediation reagents injection and rainfall effect at the soil and groundwater contaminated site, located in Yung Kang, Taiwan. We set up two mutually perpendicular survey lines to continuously record the SP data at a sampling rate of 25 Hz. By averaging 1 days hourly SP median data, we calculate the time-lapse SPT(self-potential tomography)with a published code SP2DINV every day, and get the following results. First, from the synthetic test, we define the sensitivity of SPTs and demonstrate the ability to detect SP. Second, by analyzing the SPTs variation from 13th to 18th October 2015 and from 23th to 25th November 2015, SP monitoring system successfully monitor the remediation reagents injection and evaluate the Apparent Flow Velocity. Third, making use of interpolation scheme, this study filter the rainfall effect out of the raw SP data, then show the SP response to the precipitation, and evaluate the Apparent Flow Velocity and Streaming Coupling Coefficient. Forth, in the daily SPTs, there are some artificial structures at a depth of circa 10 m. Last but not the least, by observing the positive and negative electric potential distributions in both N-S and E-W SPTs, we determine that the regional groundwater flow direction is in NE.


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